Reading on holiday

I will be honest with you; I do not read very much. Despite doing an English degree at University, where I read an enormous amount, I tend not to that much in my free time any more. I couldn’t put my finger on why, specifically, but I can never bring myself to relax and read for long stretches of time. I am always thinking about doing work or what other productive things I could be doing in that time. There is one time, though, that I read an enormous amount and can plough through page after page, chapter after chapter in record time. That is on holiday
Nothing seems to capture the feel of a holiday for me more than reading. So much so that I usually take two or three books with me when I go abroad, even for a week. I know I do not need to worry (as much!) about work while I am away, so immediately I feel more relaxed, more at peace and much less guilty about putting my feet up and getting away from it all. That immediately ends once I land back in the UK though, but those glorious days away see me reading more than I do in the other 50 weeks of the year.